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The Expendables Reigns at Box Office & Fan Meets Idol!
Stefan Chapovskyi Finally Meets Stallone!
Reported By: TheArnoldFans Staff
Friday, August 27, 2010
Arnold's 1:55 second cameo film “The Expendables” has extended its enemy-crushing run at the box office to a second weekend. Stallone’s Molotov cocktail of manliness effortlessly outmuscled the competition fending off Fox’s new Twilight spoof “Vampires Suck” and continuing its humiliating domination of Julia Robert’s sappy chick flick “Eat Pray Love” relegating them to distant second and third places respectively. The 10 day tally of “The Expendables” stands at $65+ million.
With this kind of success, there is a big question on the mind of every fan of 80s-style action flicks. What can we expect from the inevitable sequel? For us Arnold fans, there is another big question. Will Arnold be involved? Stallone addresses these queries in an interview with MTV News’ Eric Ditizian. During the interview he confirmed that he has a second flick plotted put in his head, but the discussion quickly degenerated into goofy but entertaining joke telling culminating with Terry Crews suggesting that he would like to have the opportunity to kill tween heartthrob Justin Bieber in the next film. Needless to say, no specific details were revealed. As for Arnold’s involvement, he confirmed that he wants Arnold and Bruce to reprise their roles and said the following, “I'm talking to Arnold and Bruce [about] different schedules and other actors.” The full article, featuring a short video of the interview, can be found HERE. Will Arnold accept Sly’s offer to reprise his role as Trench Mauser? Will Terry Crews blow Justin Bieber’s annoying girl hair off with his giant automatic shotgun? Only time will tell.
Stefan Chapovskyi, a professional Rambo look-a-like from St.Petersburg, Russia, and the president and founder of the national federation of Russian Natural Bodybuilding Competition just got to meet his Expendables idol, Sly Stallone
TAFs: Stefan, we're happy that finally you got the chance to meet Stallone. How did you know that he was going to visit the Ukraine?
Stefan: Words can’t tell how happy I am that after all my efforts to contact Stallone’s managers with an Idea for a Rambo prequel movie suddenly I get the chance of meeting Sly, one of my favorite 80’s movie action heroes .The other action hero I like is Arnold. I've never met Arnold but I'm happy the best professional Arnold impersonator is my best friend, Paul Plesca whom I met at CIC Las Vegas last year and had a stage play together on stage as Dutch and Rambo. These Legends Stalone and Arnold are my favorites and will always be the ones I admire the most. On the 2nd of August, I found out from a friend that Sly would visit Kiev the capital of Ukraine, to promote his new movie, The Expendables. Immediately I called the Kiev organizers to confirm that he would be there. There I found out that the after party dress code was to be military style. Of course I used this opportunity to dress as Rambo.
TAFs: Were there other celebrities with Stallone?
Stefan: Yes, after awhile Sly arrived with John Statham and Dolph Lundgreen and they were surrounded by a lot of bodyguards. I approached the celebrities table and Sly noticed me, smiled and lifted his hand to salute me. I did the same before he was invited to go on stage. After his speech, he came back and I approached him. We met by the stage where he was surrounded by reporters and cameras. I am proud to say that I was the only one allowed to get closer and take pictures with him. There was a Ukranian blonde girl whom I met when I arrived there and took pictures with me as young Rambo. She was a big fan of Sly and took advantage to sneak behind me, grabbed Sly’s hand and got a picture too. We took some pictures together and I handed Sly an envelope with all my materials, photos as Rambo and Rocky, my DVD stage performance as Rambo from Las Vegas, a little story about me, my LA agent business card and a personal letter for him. Also, I submitted a proposal to make a prequel movie to Rambo together with him because I believe I’m the best Rambo professional impersonator. He went back to his table and I watched him from a distance as he and the other stars and representatives were looking over my photos, smiling and were discussing amongst themselves about it. Twenty minutes later Sly and his manager left the night club with my envelope. The next morning he flew to London. There's my story guys, You guys do an awesome job informing the fans with the best up-to-date Arnold news. Thank you very much!
Click HERE to learn more about Stefan!
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